Twitter will now allow its employees to work from home indefinitely, the company said on Tuesday.

According to media reports, Twitter’s chief executive officer Jack Dorsey made the announcement in a company-wide email.

Twitter had permitted its employees to start working from home in early March amid the Covid-19 outbreak in the United States (US).

“Twitter was one of the first companies to go to a work from home model in the face of Covid-19, but we don’t anticipate being one of the first to return to offices,” said Twitter human resources head Jennifer Christie in an official blog post.

The company will require employees who work certain jobs that require physical presence, such as maintaining servers to come in, Buzzfeed News reported.

The company has made the decision in light of the effectiveness of the model as experienced in the past few months as employees were mandated to work from home due to lockdowns.

“We were uniquely positioned to respond quickly and allow folks to work from home given our emphasis on decentralization and supporting a distributed workforce capable of working from anywhere,” Christie explained.

“The past few months have proven we can make that work. So if our employees are in a role and situation that enables them to work from home and they want to continue to do so forever, we will make that happen,” she said.

Employees can choose whether or not to come to the offices or if they wish to work remotely instead. Twitter will start opening its physical offices gradually from September.

“Opening offices will be our decision, when and if our employees come back, will be theirs,” Christie said.

The social media giant has also suspended all business travel before September, with “very few” exceptions. It has also cancelled in-person company events for the rest of 2020 and will assess 2021 events later this year.

Previously, Facebook and Google had changed their work from home policies allowing employees to work from home throughout 2020.