Google Assistant at home

It looks as if humans will have little to do, what with the big tech companies creating new ways to take care of every little daily chore. While in India, it is Amazon’s Alexa that rules the roost, in the US, Google is taking charge of every nook and cranny in the home. In the US, you can ask the Google Assistant to fill up the bathtub, turn on the tap, or turn on the humidifier. Now it can also apparently control lawn mowers and radiators. Recently added to the list are more bedroom objects like beds and cupboards. Of course these have to be smart beds and compatible. If they are, then one can just tell the Google Assistant to roll back or retract the bed, and open or close closets and drawers. Considering these actions can also be set to routines, there won’t even be a need to remember to give the voice commands needed. One has to wonder what people will do in all that free time.

Your AI avatar

The tech portal Cnet reports an experience in which the writer, Scott Stein, interacted with a digital version of Deepak Chopra, the motivational guru. A strong believer in the power of technology, Deepak Chopra has used new technologies before but now he’s going all the way to creating a ‘Digital Deepak’. Via an app, one can interact with what is not the real Deepak Chopra but a developing AI version of him which learns more and more of what he would say to build up a big AI archive. In time, the Digital Deepak will be more realistic a digital clone. There’s already talk of whether other celebrities could do the same thing or even regular people who want to live on, in a manner of speaking, after physical death. Of course there are worries about whether this sort of Deepfake will lead to problems of its own.

Super warriors

If you’re planning on being around in 2050, you could well see the rise of a new super warrior in the form of cyborgs or augmented humans who will man the battlefield of tomorrow. According to a Futurism report, the US Army’s journal Army Times says humans will have ear, eye, brain and muscular enhancements to give them extreme capabilities. They will have imaging and situational awareness as well as restoration and programmed muscular control though bodysuit sensors. Their brains will allow for two-way data transfer and read-write capability between humans and machines. Using this, humans will be able to connect with autonomous systems to optimise command and control operations.