Spot rubber showed a mixed mood on Saturday.

The weekend session was rather inactive following a weak closing on the NMCE, but ISNR 20 made moderate gains on better demand.

In spot, sheet rubber finished unchanged at Rs 222 a kg according to traders.

The grade improved to Rs 222 (221) a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi as reported by the Rubber Board. The transactions were in a low key.

Futures weak

In futures, the April series weakened to Rs 229.35 (231.34), May to Rs 235.40 (236.98), June to Rs 241.50 (243.50) and July to Rs 243.50 (245.19) a kg for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).

Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 222 (222);

RSS-5: 218 (217); ungraded: 215 (215); ISNR 20: 219 (217) and latex 60 per cent: 119 (119).