Spot rubber saw a mixed mood on Tuesday. The market appeared to be in a holiday mood owing to the general elections in the State to be held on Wednesday. The sentiments were partially bearish following another weak closing on the NMCE. The volumes were low.

Among other reports, the key Tokyo rubber futures tumbled on morning trades hit by a drop in oil prices and the Yen's rise against dollar. But limited supplies from Thailand extended support at lower levels on late trades.

Sheet rubber slipped to Rs 239.50 (240) a kg amidst scattered transactions. The grade finished unchanged at Rs 240 a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi, as reported by the Rubber Board.

The April series weakened to Rs 238.75 (240.40), May to Rs 245.25 (246.26), June to Rs 249.76 (251.47), July to Rs 248.50 (250.66), August to Rs 243.75 (245.55) and September to Rs 237.50 (238.50) a kg for RSS 4 on the National Multi Commodity Exchange.

RSS 3 (spot) firmed up to Rs 272.12 (271.23) a kg at Bangkok. The April futures nosedived to ¥479 (Rs 252.22) from ¥492 during the day session but then recovered to ¥485 (Rs 255.38) a kg in the night session on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 239.50 (240); RSS-5: 237.50 (238); ungraded: 232 (233); ISNR 20: 236 (235) and latex 60 per cent: 143 (142).