The domestic rubber prices turned better on Saturday. In spot, the market opened steady but improved later following the moderate gains in futures. Sheet rubber firmed up to Rs.215.00 (214.00) per kg as quoted by the traders. The grade increased to Rs. 214.50 (214.00) per kg both at Kottayam and Kochi according to Rubber Board.

In futures, the October series expired at Rs. 218.25 (214.80) a kg while the November series improved to Rs. 216.20 (214.59), December to Rs. 218.39 (216.64), January to Rs. 221.55 (219.90), February to Rs.223.96 (222.74) and March to Rs.226.01 (223.70) per kg on National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).

The physical rubber rates per kg were:

RSS-4: 215.00 (214.00) RSS-5: 212.00 (211.00)

Ungraded: 206.00 (205.00) ISNR 20: 205.00 (204.00)


Latex 60%: 130.50 (130.00)