Spot rubber showed a mixed trend on Tuesday. The commodity continued to remain under pressure on buyer resistance as major players were unwilling to join the buyers queue since the domestic futures were weak on NMCE. According to observers, the market managed to sustain at the prevailing levels on supply concerns. The volumes were dull.

Sheet rubber finished unchanged at Rs 187 a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi according to traders and the Rubber Board. Meanwhile, RSS 5 and ISNR 20 slipped marginally amidst scattered transactions.

July series slipped to Rs 184.80 (185.51), August to Rs 184.75 (185.20) and September to Rs 183.71 (184.19) a kg while the most distant months remained inactive on National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE).

RSS 3 (spot) improved to Rs 178.33 (177.12) a kg at Bangkok. The July futures weakened to ¥ 243.5 (Rs 169.86) from ¥ 244 during the day session and then to ¥ 243.4 (Rs 169.77) in the night session on Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rates were (Rs/kg): RSS-4: 187 (187); RSS-5: 181.50 (181.50); Ungraded: 176.50 (176.50); ISNR 20: 181.50 (181.50) and Latex 60 per cent: 133 (133).