As much as 94 per cent of the offer of 11.12 lakh kg was sold in Sale No: 50 of Coonoor Tea Trade Association auction despite the average price raising to ₹82.55 a kg from previous week’s ₹80.35 due to increased demand. Pekoe Dust of Vigneshwar Specialit topped dust auction at ₹229/kg. Super Red Dust of Darmona Estate came next at ₹209. Kodanad topped orthodox market fetching ₹238, followed by Prammas at ₹200. Quotations held by brokers indicated bids ranging ₹51-56 a kg for plain leaf grades and ₹100-145 for brighter liquoring sorts. They ranged ₹66-72 for plain dusts and ₹110-190 for brighter liquoring dusts.