The FAO’s Intergovernmental Group (IGG) on Tea has pointed out that innovation is catching up in the global consumption pattern.

“The drive for innovation is evident as consumers increasingly demand natural and organic ingredients in diversified blends, flavours and environments,” a position paper of the IGG said.

“There is also growing interest in higher quality speciality teas with particular flavours. In parallel, green as well as herbal and fruit teas are gaining popularity in different markets especially in Europe owing to real or perceived health benefits,” it added.

“At the same time, public interest in organic locally sourced specialised premium teas has also intensified. ‘Innovation and ‘premiumsation’ are characterising the tea market which attracts a growing number of young customers and an emerging middle class”, the paper said.

These aspects were discussed at the last session of IGG on Tea. The IGG observed that youngsters are continuously searching for personal experiences with fashionable products.

“This includes the integration of gourmet quality tea into their overall lifestyles. Tea demand has become a conspicuous form of consumption. Many enjoy speciality teas and show great interest in learning about a beverage that is consumed in the sophisticated environment of speciality teashop and exclusive restaurants, hotels and cafes,” IGG said.

“New market trends suggest a move by consumers from a range of different beverages to tea”, it added.