Edible oils market witnessed a firm trend on Thursday tracking strong overseas markets. On the BCE, palmolein and cotton oil rose by ₹5 per 10 kg each. Soyabean and sunflower oil increased by ₹2 each.

Local refineries kept their rates steady. At Rajkot, groundnut oil telia tin declined to ₹1,470 (₹1,480) and loose (10 kg) to ₹925 (₹930). BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 970 (970), soya ref. 712 (710), sunflower exp. ref. 660 (660), sunflower ref. 712 (710), rapeseed ref. 800 (800), rapeseed exp. ref. 770 (770), cottonseed ref. 700 (695) and palmolein 630 (625).