Firm trend continued in edible oils market despite weak overseas futures supported by strong demand. On the BCE, imported palmolein and soya oil rose by ₹3 and ₹5 per 10 kg each. Groundnut and cotton oil increased by ₹25 and ₹2 each tracking a sudden spurt in Saurashtra market. Liberty’s rates: palmolein ex Shapur ₹670, super palmolein ₹690, sunflower refined oil ₹750. Ruchi’s rates: palmolein ex Patalganga ₹650, soya oil ₹730 and sunflower refined oil ₹740. Golden Agri: palmolein ex JNPT ₹650. At Rajkot, groundnut oil telia tin jumped by ₹50 to ₹1,430 and loose (10 kg) increased by ₹40 to ₹900. BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 925 (900), soya ref. 720 (715), sunflower exp. ref. 670 (670), sunflower ref. 725 (725), rapeseed ref. 830 (830), rapeseed exp. ref. 800 (800), cottonseed ref. 697 (695) and palmolein 648 (645).