Sharp rise in foreign palm soya oil markets amid increased physical demand kept imported edible oils palmolein, soyabean and sunflower oil boiling in domestic markets on Wednesday. During the day lost local refineries together successfully booked orders for about 3,800 tonnes palmolein and 250 - 300 tonnes sunflower refined oil for January. About 150 tonnes soyabean refined oil were resold at₹710 for weekly delivery. Demand for deshi oils groundnut, cotton and rapeseed oil was lacking. Morale was firm at the end of the day said sources. Liberty: Palmolein Ex Shapur ₹655 for 15-31 January. Super palmolein ₹675 for 15-31 January. Allana: Palmolein Ex Khapoli ₹645 up to 30 January. Soya refined oil ₹720 up to 30 January. Sunflower refined oil ₹725 up to 30 January.

Golden agri : Palmolein ₹632 up to 25 January and 10 February. Ruchi: Palmolein ₹628 up to 12 January. Soya oil ₹713 up to 12 January and Sunflower refi.oil ₹720 up to 12 January. At Rajkot : groundnut oil Telia Tin was ₹1,480 (₹1,480) and Loose (10 kg) lower at₹930 (₹940). Malaysian crude palm oil, January18 settled higher at MYR2,555 (MYR 2,472) and February-18 at ended higher at MYR 2,590 (MYR 2,509). On NCDEX: Soyabean refined oil January18 was up by ₹6.55 to at ₹734.10 (₹727.55) and February-18 increased by ₹7.70 to ₹741.10 (₹733.40) till evening. On BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg) were: groundnut oil 970 (970), soya refined oil 710 (708), sunflower exp. ref. 660 (655), sunflower ref. 710 (705), rapeseed ref. oil 800 (800), rapeseed expeller ref. 770 (770), cottonseed ref. oil 695 (695) and Palmolein 625 (622).