Both the prices and arrivals of new turmeric improved in Erode markets on Tuesday.

“After 45 days, new Mysore-8 arrivals have touched four digits. On Tuesday, 1,400 bags of new turmeric arrived and were sold. The buyers quoted higher prices for both finger and root turmeric and bought them all. Old turmeric arrivals were less, but the prices remained flat,” said RKV Ravishankar, President, Erode Turmeric Merchants Association.

At the Erode Turmeric Merchants Association Salesyard, new turmeric was sold at ₹5,699-6,699 a quintal for finger turmeric and ₹5,219-6,199 for root variety. Old finger turmeric was sold at ₹5,109-6,256 and root variety at ₹4,459-5,514. Of 1,902 bags that arrived, 842 bags were sold. At the Regulated Marketing Committee, old turmeric was sold at ₹5,100-6,199 and root variety at ₹5,039-6,129. Of 330 bags kept for sale, 319 were sold. At the Erode Cooperative Marketing Society, finger turmeric was sold at ₹5,139-6,326 and root variety at ₹4,651-6,111. Of 257 bags kept for sale, 252 bags were sold.