Spot rubber continued to remain neutral on Monday. RSS 4 was quoted steady at Rs 131.00 a kg by traders and the Rubber Board. The same closed unchanged at Rs 127.00 per kg as reported by the Dealers. The trend was partially mixed as Latex lost further on extremely low demand. The local markets opened firm but shed the initial gains later on buyer resistance. There were no fresh enquiries from major consuming industries and the commodity lost its direction amidst dull volumes.

The January futures slid to Rs 133.45 (133.70) and February to Rs 135.21 (135.46) while the March futures firmed up to Rs 137.50 (137.14) per kg on the Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX).

RSS 3 improved at its January futures to Rs 115.91 (114.66), February to Rs 116.63 (115.89) and March to Rs 122.58 (119.02) per kg on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).

Spot rubber rates (Rs/kg) were:

RSS-4: 131.00 (131.00 )

RSS-5: 126.50 (126.50 )

ISNR 20: 113.50 (113.50) and Latex (60% drc): 84.50 (85.50)