Spot rubber showed signs of weakness on Thursday. RSS 4 slid to Rs 130.00 (130.50) a kg according to traders. The grade continued to remain unchanged at Rs 130.50 and Rs 126.50 per kg respectively according to the Rubber Board and Dealers. The market opened steady but lost ground during the latter half of the trading session tracking the declines in the domestic and global trendsetters.

The December futures surrendered to Rs 131.91 (132.56), January to Rs 132.85 (133.77) and February to Rs 135.42 (136.18) per kg on the Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX). .

RSS 3 (spot) dropped to Rs 110.95 (111.05) per kg at Bangkok. The December futures weakened to Rs 111.64 (112.53), January to Rs 110.95 (111.81) and February to Rs 113.50 (114.50) per kg on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).

Spot rubber rates (Rs/kg) were:

RSS-4: 130.00 (130.50)

RSS-5: 127.50 (128.00)

ISNR 20: 119.50 (120.00)

and Latex (60% drc): 89.50 (89.50)