Spot rubber lost further ground on Monday. There were no positive factors to trigger a recovery in the market and prices slipped lacking genuine buyers in the local trading houses.

The trend was partially mixed and volume low. RSS 4 weakened to ₹113 (₹113.50) a kg, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The grade surrendered to ₹110.50 (₹111) according to dealers.

November futures dropped to ₹110.70 (₹111.12), December to ₹110.70 (₹111.19) and January to ₹110.70 (₹111.30) on the National Multi Commodity Exchange. RSS 3 (spot) slid to ₹82.18 (₹82.51) at Bangkok. November futures closed at ¥143.0 (₹77.78) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange The spot rubber rates ₹/ kg were: RSS-4: 113 (113.50); RSS-5: 111 (111); Ungraded: 103 (103.50); ISNR 20: 98 (100) and Latex (60% drc): 86.50 (86.50).