Average price increased to ₹92.39 a kg from last week’s ₹91.30 in the backdrop of lower supplies at Sale No: 13 of Coonoor Tea Trade Association auctions. Homedale Estate’s Broken Pekoe topped the Leaf auction and the entire CTC market when Ketti Valley Tea India Pvt Ltd bought it for ₹201 per kg. Vigneshwar Speciality’s Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning came close at ₹200/kg. Darmona Estate’s Super Red Dust topped the Dust auction fetching ₹193. In the orthodox market, Kodanad topped at ₹239 a kg followed by Kairbetta ₹235 and Havukal ₹230. In all, 86 per cent of the 10.15 lakh on offer was sold.