The All-India Bank Officers' Confederation (AIBOC) extended its support to the cause of officers of Federal Bank who struck work on Wednesday.

The strike was against transfer of a group of branch managers and officers in the bank who didn't attend the ‘Federal Ambassadors' meets.


These meets are held on Sundays and holidays, according to Mr Abraham Shaji John, State Secretary, AIBOC. The transfers were ordered to upcountry places and relieving of these officers was effected within two hours of it.

Officer and employee organisations have been requesting the management not to insist on official work on Sundays and holidays.

The striking officers and activists of AIBOC held demonstrations in front of offices of Federal Bank in several important centres in the State.

They have warned of a serve agitation if the transfer orders were not cancelled and cordial industrial relation climate restored in the bank.

Mr Abraham Shaji John, Mr P. V. Mohanan and Mr K. D. Khera, advisor to AIBOC national committee, addressed the gatherings.

Mr P. V. Mathew, general secretary, Federal Bank Officers Association; Mr C. Rajkumar, general secretary, Associate Banks Officers Association-State Bank of Travancore; and Mr N. I. Thomas, also participated.
