To educate awareness on banking codes at grass root level, The Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) will organise “know your rights” programme in all the states.

For this, the organisation will adopt a three-fold approach in the awareness programme focussing Tier II cities, metros and other backward areas, Anand Aras, CEO, BCSBI said.

With the opening up of innumerable Jan-Dhan accounts and increased usage of formal and transparent modes of financial transactions, it is now imperative for the lesser privileged section of the society to understand their rights, he added.

Aras, who was was here to organise a programme in Kerala in association with Kudumbashree, said that conducting an educational programme through an interactive session would prove to be more beneficial as people relate things better when delivered in simple language with situational references than conducting a mere class-room session.

“We believe that when one educates a woman you educate the entire ecosystem. This is because women, by the sheer trust that their family and friends have in them, have an influence on the decisions and actions by people around them. So educating them about their banking rights, will help in spreading and increasing awareness of right banking practices,” he added.