Deutsche Bank is focusing on plans for a slimmed-down universal bank as part of the management's strategic review where the group remains internationally engaged in most of its current activities but pulls out of unprofitable regions and business lines, newspaper Handelsblatt reported on Monday.

The bank would shut operations abroad that contribute little to the bottom line, the paper wrote, citing unnamed sources.

The bank "doesn't have to do everything worldwide," Handelsblatt reported, citing an unnamed company source.

The bank is considering unveiling the new plan, possibly one of the biggest overhauls in decades, on March 20, the paper wrote.

A spokesman was not immediately available for comment on Monday.

Deutsche Bank is reviewing its universal banking model which sees it selling everything from home loans in Wuppertal to equity derivatives in New York to see if hiving off parts of the group, such as its Postbank branch network, would boost profits.