The Parliamentary panel on Finance’s recent report on anti-competitive practices by Big Tech firms is a must-read. It delves deep into the day-to-day of these firms and identified 10 anti-competitive practices:

1. Anti steering

2. Platform neutrality

3. Adjacency

4. Data usage

5. Mergers and acquisitions

6. Pricing

7. Tie-ups

8. Search and preference ranking

9. Restricting third-party apps

10. Advertising policy

The report -- called the “Anti-competitive practices by Big Tech” -- has suggested some big changes that could make the market more efficient, transparent and address the “power imbalance” between big tech companies and users.

It recommends the creation of institutions named “Systematically Important Digital Intermediaries” and has talked about revamping the CCI.

In this podcast, Senior Deputy Editor KR Srivats helps us understand what’s in the report.

Read the full story here.

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