Online scams are becoming extremely common. Whether you’re a marketer who grapples with this reality on a day-to-day basis or a consumer targeted by these scamsters – you’ll benefit from a better understanding of the tell-tale signs of these online scams. On this episode of Digital gadfly, hosted by Shubho Sengupta, Kavitha Kanaparthi, a Web 3 specialist and entrepreneur, offers tips you can implement right now to vet the credibility of the next message you receive on your phone.

First, remember, if it is too good to be true, it is not good for you. Second, always cross-verify all messages with official communication on the official website, especially if its a financial entity. Refrain from clicking links embedded within messages requesting details, even if it’s old email ids. Third, If the ‘s’ in https is missing in the URL, it is not a secure gateway.

(Produced by Akshaya Chandrasekaran)