1 Bridge, a social enterprise promoting entrepreneurship in rural areas, launched its operations in Andhra Pradesh on Friday in association with AP Information Technology Academy (APITA).

A training programme was inaugurated on Friday at AP Innovation Society at Rushikonda for 52 entrepreneurs (50 of them are women) to work in rural areas.

Winny Patro, Additional CEO, APITA, and M Chakravarthy, of 1 Bridge, said the social enterprise was taking tech products and services to rural areas by promoting entrepreneurship. “The model is already active in 1,500 villages in Karnataka, involving 1,000 entrepreneurs, 25 per cent of them being women. It will be replicated in Andhra Pradesh. In the next six months, we will train 3,000 entrepreneurs,” they said.

1 Bridge has 13 delivery stations in AP and the network will be expanded.