PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) on Thursday urged the Centre to promote and propagate genetically modified (GM) foods to enable India to catapult its agriculture and horticulture economy and make the country one of the largest exporters of agri products.

Countries that adopted GM food technologies and their applications to improve the productivity and quality of their agri products have become net exporters of food products from food importing nations in the last couple of years, and India needs to look at this with proactive mindset, said PHDCCI Vice-President Rajeev Talwar while speaking at a seminar on industrial growth.

Industrial policy

The Chamber also appealed to the government to prepare a ground for 4th industrial revolution in India’s forthcoming industrial policy statement so that all and relevant emerging issues on the industrial front are addressed at the right time.

“The time has come for India to prepare a solid ground for forthcoming industrial revolution so that it does not miss out an opportunity to become one of the lead economies in the world in next few years,” he said.