Two young scientists from the city-based National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) have won top awards for their respective research work.

Senthil Kumar, a senior scientist, won the IGU Krishnan Gold Medal 2013 for his significant contributions in the emerging field planetary geology. He has shown similarities between the continental shear zones on planet Venus to that of the Earth.

On Mars, he has shown the reconnaissance of a long deep canyon — Valles Marineris as a future exploration site. Senthil has also done work on the impact cratering process on the Moon and Earth.

N. Satyavani, scientist, has been selected for the K.R. Gupta Memorial Gold medal by the Geological Society of India for 2013.

Her work on seismic exploration and gas hydrates has been recognised by the Society for the award. At present, she is focussing on identification and quantification of gas hydrates using advanced data processing techniques.

Satyavani was the co-chief scientist onboard the seismic vessel that acquired data in Mahanadi and Krishna-Godavari basins of Eastern India. She has so far published 19 research articles in scientific journals, said a press release from NGRI.