Bajaj Auto has extended Rs 30 cr to the Indian School of Business (ISB) to expand learning facilities and provide three scholarships to the students of its post-graduate programme.

In recognition of this contribution, the school had named the library at its campus here as the Bajaj Auto Library.

The library was inaugurated by Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi in the presence of ISB Chairman Adi Godrej, Rahul Bajaj and others here on Wednesday.

Speaking on the occasion, Rahul Bajaj, Chairman of Bajaj said: “In the process of nation building, leadership plays a very important role. ISB has acquired international reputation for its academic work in imparting post graduate education. Bajaj Auto considers its duty and responsibility to support such institutions.’’

Thanking the Bajaj Group for its support, Ajit Rangnekar, Dean, ISB said the contribution will enable it to provide world class learning resources to the students and faculty. ``It will also help ISB to attract deserving and meritorious students to pursue their studies,’’ he added.