With vacations round the corner, this year’s British Council summer school will have two new themes - Media Magic and Explorers. The school is expected to start from May 21. “Fun, personality development and building skills for 21st century are what we focus at the British Council summer school. Parents enrol their children so that the child is able to think, present and speak confidently”, said Antonius Raghubansie, Head, Teaching Centres and Libraries, British Council India.

About the themes

‘Media Magic’ will help the students in exploring opportunities for communication channels such as radio, television, internet and they will also learn how to write blogs, create an advertisement and newspaper report. ‘Explorers’ will make the students travel around the globe virtually. Through this, they will get to travel to a new city each day, learn about different cultures and develop language skills.

“To have something new and appealing for the students, we introduce new themes every year. We know that the media landscape is changing very rapidly, however, young kids lack the skills they need to have so that was the idea behind introducing media magic as one of the themes this year”, said Raghubansie.

He added, for explorers, since we are a culture relation organisation our summer school is too around exploring cultures, discovering more about yourself so we zeroed upon the this.


“Majority of the students who come for the summer school are from smaller cities. It gives them an opportunity to be part of the British Council during their holiday break ”, said Raghubansie. This will be the fifth year since the council started organising summer schools in Delhi. Last year 1,800 students attended the summer school in the capital and the council is expecting similar number this year.