In a bid to properly guide and counsel the 10 lakh students studying in Class IX to XII of Delhi government schools, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday launched the ‘Desh ke Mentor’ programme. Through this programme, the aim is to create a movement of youth volunteers who will act as guides for the students many of whom are the first generation learners.

“I am sure that this programme will see the mentors enrol from across the country. The children won’t just be mentored by people of Delhi. We have developed an app through which anyone can join. All they need to do is give 10-15 minutes everyday on a phone call. They don’t need to come to Delhi for this,” said Kejriwal.

The mentors can be from various professional backgrounds and between the age of 18-35. They will guide and support 2-5 students studying in Delhi government schools. They will help the students in their overall development and personality development by sharing their knowledge, skills and expertise in various fields. They will learn about each other to have a better understanding of career options.

Children need mentors especially during the high school phase to guide them and help them realise their potential. “They will help children recognise their stress and lead a peaceful and calmer life in their toughest times,” he added.

The programme will be of two to six months duration with the first two months as compulsory modules and the remaining four months as optional.

“Children need mentors especially during the high school phase to guide them and help them realise their potential. By becoming a mentor, you will also feel that you have done something solid in life, you will strengthen the foundation of the country,” said Manish Siodia, Deputy Chief Minister, Delhi.