The first batch of the skill development course on ‘IPR, Patent drafting and Practice’ conducted by the CSIR National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) is graduating today. Unnat Pandit, Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, will interact online with the students during the valedictory session. The course had started on August 22.

Need for more professionals

In an interaction with the students on September 28, PH Kurian, former Controller-General, shared his experience about the grant of only compulsory licence in the country and the administrative reforms he initiated in the Indian Patent office during his tenure. About 20 resource persons, including patent agents, attorneys, inventors and scientists, took classes during the course coordinated by RS Praveen Raj, Principal Scientist - IP Management and Technology Transfer at CSIR-NIIST.

The course aimed at churning out professionals who could go on to become IPR experts or patent agents, Praveen Raj said. A career as an IP professional (IPR attorney, patent agent, examiner of patents or IP management expert) is highly rewarding. The course was designed as part of skill development programmes for scientific personnel and students. More Indians may file patent applications, but IPR has not gained enough traction among science students in Kerala, Raj said.

‘Broadens career vista’

Among those who completed the first course is Monish Koshy, who has a Masters in Robotics and Automation. “I believe the course has helped broaden my career opportunities. It included lectures, discussions and assignments along with a structured syllabus. It has also helped create an awareness about IPR and and develop practical experience through drafting practice and patent analysis,” he told BusinessLine.

Aishwarya NR is a Computer Science graduate. “The course has opened up new opportunities in my career path. The sessions were really informative and included lectures, assignments and discussions. The faculty provided us with rare insight into the IPR field. The drafting practices and scenario-based discussions granted us practical experience,” she added. Hemanth Kashyap S is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering and found the course very useful. “It gave us a ringside view of how patenting works and also taught us on how to acquire a patent. I look forward to writing the upcoming Patent Agent examination.”