After launching the Eat Right Movement earlier this year, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has instituted the Eat Right awards to recognise outstanding contribution of individuals and institutions to this initiative.

As part of the Eat Right India Movement, key food companies have pledged to demonstrate their support and commitment by making healthier food options, reformulating existing food products and providing better nutritional information to consumers.

A special Eat Right award has also been instituted for food related start-ups to reward innovation and promote entrepreneurship in the area of food safety and applied nutrition. A jury of eminent professionals and experts in the food sector will select the winners.

In a statement, Pawan Agarwal, CEO, FSSAI said, “The Eat Right Awards will provide an impetus for food companies, especially food-related start-ups, and individuals to join the Eat Right India movement and promote safe and healthy eating options.”