Budget airline GoAir has filed a suit against its former CEO Wolfgang Prock-Schauer, accusing him of data theft.

Prock-Schauer, who joined GoAir rival IndiGo as its Chief Operating Officer starting February 1, was sued by GoAir in the Bombay High Court on February 13. The next hearing is expected in June.

The court documents show that GoAir lawyers submitted sealed documents that they claim belong to GoAir and were stolen by Prock-Schauer before he joined IndiGo. Prock-Schauer was previously the CEO at Jet Airways before joining GoAir in June 2015.

GoAir declined to comment on the development. However, IndiGo said in a statement, “IndiGo has been made aware of the court proceedings brought by GoAir against Wolfgang Prock-Schauer; these concern allegations that predate his employment by IndiGo. We have no involvement in this case, thus, IndiGo has no further comment to make.”

GoAir lawyers have also sought to restrain Prock-Schauer from disclosing confidential information and from poaching its employees.

While Prock-Schauer’s contract with GoAir was to expire in June, sources within the company say he quit much sooner due to escalating differences with the promoters, who were unhappy with him over certain financial decisions that he took.

Go Airlines is part of the Wadia Group and operates GoAir, a budget airline.