India will take special note of Bangladesh’s need for Covid-19 vaccines, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, adding that it was heartening that both countries had been cooperating in areas such as health, border trade and connectivity despite challenges posed by the pandemic.

“It is satisfactory that in these difficult times, India and Bangladesh have been strongly collaborating whether it is in medicines, medical equipment or cooperation between health professionals. In the area of vaccines, we are cooperating well, “ Modi said at the India-Bangladesh virtual summit on Thursday.

The Indian Prime Minister assured his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina that in the area of supply of Covid vaccines, India will take special note of the country’s needs. Bangladesh recently signed an agreement with the Serum Institute of India (SII) for procurement of 3 crore doses of the Oxford/ Astrazeneca vaccine to be delivered in six instalments.

‘Neighbourhood first’ policy

Modi said that Bangladesh was a strong pillar of India’s ‘neighbourhood first’ policy and strengthening bilateral relations was a priority. Apart from health, the two countries have pushed relationships in other frontiers as well. “We have reduced barriers in land border trade and expanded connectivity between the two countries,” he said.

Also read: Covid impact : India’s spices export to Bangladesh by rail gets a boost

Modi said that it was a matter of pride for him that together with the Bangladeshi PM he was launching a postal stamp to honour Banga Bandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. A digital exhibition on Mahatma Gandhi and Banga Bandhu has also been launched.