One of India’s leading IT solutions company, ESDS Software Solution Pvt Ltd, has come up with a rapid Covid-19 detection solution, under the brand name ‘AA+ Covid-19 Testing Solution’ powered by Deepiotics.

A solution is an AI-enabled tool that detects Covid-19 using Chest X-ray (CXR). The AA+ Covid-19 Testing Solution indicates whether the patient is suffering from Covid-19 in less than five minutes. The solution is an assistive tool for the doctors to enable them to take faster decisions. This tool is not a confirmative test.

It is based on AI, Machine Language (ML) and this tool can be used to save the lives of patients who don’t have 24-48 hours for the SWAB test results to arrive. “Our solution has saved the lives of non-Covid-19 patients by immediately categorising them as negative and allowing the hospitals to admit them,” said Piyush Somani,ESDS Group’ CEO and CMD, in an email interview with BusinessLine .

Somani added that this is a web-based solution. “The registered account holder needs to login on the portal, add the patient details and upload the Chest X-Ray, and then the result is out in a second. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes. The system gives an indication of whether the patient is suspect with confidence score or negative, and accordingly the next process can be done by the doctors. Our tool has diagnosed a lot of people who were infected just 24-48 hours back. This allows doctors to take the steps in the early stage to save the life of a patient,” Somani added.

This testing solution has now been successfully implemented under Proof of Concept by various municipal corporations, civil hospitals, government hospitals, and major private hospitals in India.

Somani said: “This solution is the need of the hour as the number of cases are rising every day thereby putting a strain on the Covid-19 testing centres. This technology will also allay the apprehensions of patients who otherwise have to wait anxiously for days to discover whether they have Covid-19.”

This rapid Covid-19 testing solution has scanned over a thousand X-rays obtained from various countries, including India, the USA, UK and Italy.