As many as 90 Kanjar tribal women hailing from Rajasthan will arrive at Mumbai on Sunday to resume dancing at bars following the lifting of the seven-year-old ban by the Supreme Court.

Over 350 young women from various parts of Kota region in Rajasthan including Shankerpura, Ramnagar, Mohanpura in Bundi District and Chachoda in Baran District depended on dancing in Maharashtra bars for a living before the ban. Now, they are all set to get back to what they called their “golden days at bar.”

Brimming with hope, Jully (34), a resident of Chachoda of Baran district said that she along with 90 others would return to Mumbai on Sunday.

“God has answered our prayers. The ban made our lives worse than hell. I lost my father as I did not have sufficient money to get him treated,” she said.

“I used to earn Rs 20,000 to 30,000 per month by dancing in Pune bars but after the ban, my life turned hell. I am greatly thankful to the Supreme Court for ultimately hearing our grievances. Our golden days are now back”, said Trishana, in her thirties of Shankerpura Kanjar area.

Norate (28), of Ramnager said she had been earning handsomely by dancing in bars of Mumbai and Pune since she was 14 till it was halted. Her mother Basanti (44) said the money sent by Norate made her life easy at home.

ASP, Bundi said the decision by the SC has protected the fundamental right and ensured a respectable livelihood to the citizens.

Bachanaram, secretary, Rajasthan Kanjar Bhatu Samiti, said that after the ban Kanjar bar dancers were forced to prostitution but now they will be able to live with dignity.

“These girls would now make their two times bread by dancing in bars and would avoid flesh trading and other unsocial activities”, he added.

Similar views were shared by Rohit Verma, General Secretary of Rajasthan Kanjar Mahasabha.

“Kanjar girls have inherited enchanting dancing skills that bring them and their families handsome earnings”, he added.

Dark complexioned Kanjar girls have been known to charm men with their dancing skills. Among the Kanjars, a girl is always adored more than boys and venerated as goddess.

The Supreme Court on July 16 upheld a Bombay High Court verdict quashing the State Government’s order that banned dance bars in Maharashtra in 2006.