Kerala has devised a new five point framework to ensure resilient and sustainable development, said State Industries Minister P.Rajeeve.

The new frameworks are responsible industries and investment; reducing regulatory compliance burden; robust industrial infrastructure; renewed logistics ecosystem and resilient thrust sector focus.

The Minister was speaking after inaugurating the 10th edition TiECon Kerala 2021, at Kochi, to discuss ways to pivot growth analysing their economic impacts on the upcoming year.

Speaking on the new industrial and living environment the state offers to everyone, the Minister said that it begins with clean air, clean water and strong online connectivity in every home so as to fully facilitate the new ‘work from home’ and ‘study from home’ concepts so that the new normal is work from Kerala in any adverse situation including pandemic.

Considering the global thrust to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), Kerala is adopting ESG – focused approach to achieve ease of living and ease of doing business. Responsible industrial culture and investments will be assured giving prominence to green infrastructure including shift towards clean fuel, high quality life, creating high and affordable talent pool for start-up ecosystem and increasing export specific infra strength.

The state is also going to be the first in making access to internet a basic right, he added.

Kerala has also taken effective steps to reduce regulatory compliance burden. Swift licensing is assured via KSWIFT portal. The portal is now integrated with 21 departments offering 79 services, he said.

Giving out details of industrial infrastructure facilities in the process of implementation with respect to Kochi-Bangalore Industrial Corridor, the Minister said this is expected to fuel big economic growth and industrial clusters will be set up to attract investment in the state.

“TiEcon Kerala 2021 is being held on the theme ‘Despite the pandemic' focusing on adapting to the new normal and reviving businesses back to growth. Long term sustenance and growth of the economy and business organizations is depended on the decisions that our leaders and policy makers adopt now,” Ajit Moopan, President, TiE Kerala said.

TiE Kerala and its members, besides the financial capital already being shared through angel network, are ready to dedicate three more capitals in our possession –Knowledge Capital, Intellectual Capital and Experience Capital for the progress and prosperity of our state, he said.