PSG Institute of Pulmonary Medicine has launched the PSG master lung health checkup programme to sensitise people about lung related infections and diseases and the consequences of ignoring this important organ.

The head of pulmonary medicine RM PL Ramanathan said chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the second most leading cause of death among adults. With lifestyle changes and the burden of respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, lung cancer, pneumonia and tuberculosis are on the rise

Claiming the lung screening programme as the first of its kind in the country, Ramanathan said lung cancer has been the major cause of cancer deaths among adults worldwide. Most patients realise it only at an advanced stage and the survival rate is dismal.

Detecting and treating lung cancer at an early stage improves survival but patients are asymptomatic. Initially chest x-ray was used but detection at an early stage was not easy.

In the last few years, low dose of CT scab was tried in the US. The result proved that lung screening with low dose CT for 3 years in high-risk patients can detect cancers an early stage and improve survival rates.