The Bharatiya Janata Party won the Lok Sabha elections due to a clever advertising campaign, which was supported by big data analytics.

The Congress Party was studying this campaign in view of the forthcoming Legislative Assembly elections, said Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan.

Chavan said media such as Twitter and Facebook definitely had a positive impact on the BJP’s campaign and their message was delivered to the people effectively.

The party also managed to create a personality cult around Narendra Modi on the back of a huge and expensive media campaign, he said.

“Unlike previous elections, the BJP fought the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections along the lines of US Presidential elections. We are studying all these aspects,” Chavan said.

He said that in the last five years, the State Government had taken a number of decisions for the betterment of the people but it needs to be conveyed to the people in an effective manner during the Assembly elections.

Chavan added that for the elections, the Congress-NCP would convey to the people of Maharashtra the measures such as emergency helpline numbers for the sick, broadband connections in Gram Panchayats and effective handling of calamities by the State administration.