Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha on Friday passed the general budget for 2013-14 and also adopted the related Appropriation Bill, authorising the state government to spend Rs 23,349.87 crore from Consolidated Fund.

The House discussed and passed the demands in respect of Education, Urban Development and Public Works Department while the remaining demands were passed without discussion.

The opposition members withdrew the cut motions after the reply of the concerned ministers and the budget, presented in the House by chief minister Virbhadra Singh on March 14 was adopted by voice vote.

During discussions on demands for Public Works Department, the members raised the issue of maintenance of road and delay in forest clearance for construction of new roads.

Members demanded that the issue of getting more funds for maintenance of National Highways be raised with National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

The Chief Minister assured the members that their suggestions and demands would be given due consideration and besides getting more funds from NHAI, efforts would be made to properly maintain the roads constructed under NABARD and PMGSY as they were life lines of the state.

He said another hurdle in construction of roads was that people were not willing to give their lands and acquisition of land was consuming time.