LEVEN Medical, a Netherlands-based firm with its founder hailing from Hyderabad, has launched three ventilator models, including a ‘smart’ ventilator.

Launching the ventilators, Telangana IT Secretary Jayesh Ranjan said that LEVEN had brought in an AI element into the product, which will help capture a lot of patient data.

The venture has been mentored by Hyderabad Security Cluster, a Telangana-government promoted initiative.

“This data is utilised in taking decisions about medical intervention that gives an edge over other regular ventilators,” he said.

“The demand for ventilators continues to surge as the coronavirus spreads at a rapid pace globally. According to experts, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, India had 40,000 ventilators and around 14,000 ventilators had been allocated by the government for Covid-19 treatment,” a LEVEN Medical executive said.

“With the current surge in the coronavirus cases, it is predicted that India may require 100,000 ventilators by August which can further spike up to 500,000 by October-November 2020,” Zaki Qureshey, Founder and Chief Executive officer of LEVEN Medical said.

A remote monitoring tool in one of the ventilator would help a doctor monitor and attend to a patient in case of an emergency. He said the firm uses a software that can track (using elements of call data records from phone) all persons a patient might have met.

While LEVEN C5 Covid-19 Ventilator is priced about ₹75,000, LEVEN ICU is priced about ₹9 lakh (with remote monitoring feature) and LEVEN Smart Ventilator is priced at about ₹12 lakh. The latter ventilator is integrated with artificial intelligence and machine learning.

“The AI and ML integrated and supported by a tracking software, these ventilators can auto adjust oxygen flow of a patient,” he said.

The machine send alerts to doctors or nurses and alerts to family members in case of an emergency, besides allowing remote monitoring of the patients.