The BJP is getting converted to “Congress Janata Party” with the influx of MLAs from the opposition party, Goa Suraksha Manch (GSM) chief Subhash Velingkar said Friday.

Ten Congress legislators in the coastal State, led by Leader of Opposition Chandrakant Kavlekar, joined the BJP on Wednesday, leaving the opposition party with just five MLAs in the 40-member Assembly.

Velingkar, former Goa RSS chief, said, “The BJP has lost its ideological base. It is no more a party which honours ideology. It has become Congress Janata Party.”

“Out of total 27 BJP MLAs in the Goa Assembly, 18 were in the Congress,” Velingkar said, adding that the BJP during last two years had engineered four “switch overs”.

In the last two-and-a half years, the Congress has lost 13 of its MLAs to the BJP which now enjoys an overwhelming majority in the Assembly.

In 2017 State elections, the Congress won 17 of the 40 Assembly seats in the politically volatile State, which has a history of legislators switching loyalties and bringing down governments.