Andhra Pradesh government is gearing up to conduct dry for Covid19 vaccination in five sessions in Krishna district.

Andhra Pradesh is one of the four states chosen by the Centre to carry out an end to end dry run for Covid-19 vaccination on December 28-29, 2020. Krishna district has been identified to carry out dry run in the State.

As per the details released by the state government, dry run will be conducted at district hospital/medical college, GGH, Vijayawada, Uppuluru PHC, Private health facility, Purna Heart institute, PHCs at Penamaluru and Prakash Nagar.

Primary objective of dry run in Krishna District is to check operational feasibility of using Co-WIN application in field planning, implementation and reporting mechanism.

The dry run is also aimed at testing the planned operations and the laid out mechanisms for vaccination. It will provide insights on any gaps or bottlenecks so that those could be addressed before the commencement of the Covid-19 vaccination drive.

Besides, it will be used to test preparedness for vaccinating pre-identified beneficiaries from specified groups supported by Co-WIN, an electronic application, a release said.