Delivering his customary Vijayadasami address at the Sangh Parivar headquarters in Nagpur, RSS supremo Mohan Bhagwat appreciated the Centre's steps to deal with slowing down of the economy and the decision to abrogate Article 370.

Bhagwat said that many countries, including India, have to suffer the resultant of the ongoing global trade war between the US and China. "The government has taken many initiatives to tide over the situation in the last one-and-a-half months. This gives a definite indication of the government's sensitivity towards people's interests and its prompt and proactive attitude. We will definitely come out of this cycle of so called recession," he said and added that the personalities leading our economy are competent enough.

"To strengthen the economy, the government is compelled to take steps such as allowing Foreign Direct Investment and disinvestment of industries. However, while implementing many government schemes and welfare policies at the lower level, more alacrity and efficiency, and avoiding unnecessary stringency, can set many matters right," he said.

On Article 370

Bhagwat said that the Narendra Modi government's decision to nullify Article 370 has proved that it has the courage to fulfil "those expectations and respect people’s sentiments and wishes in the interest of the country".

"Removal of Article 370 has been already in the thought of the ruling party. But this time by skilfully garnering the support of other parties in both houses, with strong logic and plea in consonance with public sentiment, the work was accomplished, for which the members of the ruling party, including the Prime Minister and Home Minister, and other political parties who upheld the public sentiments in Parliament deserve congratulations," he said.

"This effort will come to fruition only when the justice denied under the influence of Article 370 is restored, injustices occurred are brought to an end. It will happen when our Kashmiri Pandits, who were unjustly driven away, are brought back and rehabilitated, and allowed to remain secure, fearless, patriotic and Hindu. Many a right of residents of Kashmir which were denied to them so far will be restored, and false fears instilled in the minds of brothers of the Valley that there is a threat to their property and jobs due to the nullification of Article 370, will be removed and having done away with those fears, they will be able to perform their duties towards the country’s development with brotherly affinity and concord with the people of the rest of Bharat ," he said.

'Implement laws to curb mob lynching'

Commenting on the increased incidents of "mob lynching" he said such incidents have not been one-sided. "The Sangh has never supported the people who were involved in such incidents, and it stands against each and every such incident. Swayamsevaks are working in this direction so that such incidents do not take place. But by branding such incidents by the words like ‘lynching’, denoting the traditions which were alien to Bharat and belong elsewhere, efforts are underway to defame our country and the entire Hindu society, and create fear among the so-called minority communities. We have to understand that such a conspiracy is also being hatched," he said.

"Everyone should keep away from talking in provocative language or indulging in provocative acts. The so-called leaders — who in the name of advocating the interests of a specific community create clash in between the two communities of our society and have made an industry out of their pursuits for self aggrandisement — should not be patronised. Adequate laws exist in the country to curb such incidents. They must be honestly and strictly implemented," he added.