The preparations for corona vaccination are well underway in Maharashtra. On Tuesday, 9.63 lakh doses of vaccine were received by the State Government from the Serum Institute. Vaccination will be conducted at 511 places in 36 districts, according to a media statement quoting Rajesh Tope, Maharashtra Health Minister, and Pradip Vyas, Principal Secretary in the Health Department.

The vaccination centres will have electricity, Internet and webcasting facilities. So far, more than 7.84 lakh health workers have registered on the Covin portal in the state and the registration process will continue till 12 midnight on Tuesday. There are 3,135 cold chain centres available in the state, the statement said.

It said the Centre has set up a Corona Vaccination Experts Group (NEGVAC) at the national level. Preparations for corona vaccination have been started in line with their guidelines. The priority groups for vaccination have been decided and the first group includes healthcare workers, all employees of government and private health institutions, Asha and Anganwadi workers. Health workers have been classified into nine groups for the vaccination programme.

The statement further said one cold storage was available at the state level, nine at the division level, 34 at the district level, and 27 at the municipal level.