MVS Engineering has set up an onsite oxygen generation plant at the Batra hospital here, the company said in a statement on Wednesday. With a capacity of 500 litres per minute (LPM), the plant is estimated to provide sufficient oxygen to around 150 hospital beds.

India ‘prepares for the worst’ ahead of possible Covid-19 third wave

As per the release, this oxygen plant is the first onsite oxygen plant installed at the hospital. Until now, the hospital had been dependent on liquid oxygen tanks and back-up cylinders. MVS Engineering and the hospital are already in talks to set up another plant of similar capacity at the hospital.

‘Need of the hour’

“We all know how Delhi, and indeed the whole country, had struggled with maintaining uninterrupted supplies of medical oxygen during the dreadful second Covid-19 wave. In that backdrop, we are happy to have set up and commissioned this on-site oxygen generation plant at this prominent hospital in the national capital...,” said Siddharth Rastogi, Executive Director at MVS Engineering.

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“With all the talk of a third wave with potentially more severity and fraught with more damaging consequences, having an in-house oxygen generation plant within the hospital premises itself is the need of the hour,” said Dr Pavan Gurha, Chairman, Procurement Committee, and Head Anaesthesia & Critical Care, Batra Hospital.