Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami reiterated its demand for allocation of ₹9,000-crore by the Centre to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

Last week, Palaniswami wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking ₹9,000 crore. He renewed the demand today during a video conference of the Prime Minister with chief ministers of all States.

He also requested that the Ways and Means limit of the States, which was increased by 30 per cent by RBI, should be doubled. and the advances for fiscal year 2020-21 should be made interest free. The GST compensation amount due for the December- January 2019-20 and the grants under the National Health Mission can be released immediately, Palaniswami said.

Supply of Covid-19 test kits, PPEs, N-95 masks, and ventilators have to be provided in sufficient numbers for managing the Covid-19. “I had asked for ₹3,000 crore among other requests for the above purchase,” Palaniswami told Modi.

As a one time measure, the fiscal deficit limits of 3 per cent of GSDP may be relaxed for financial years 2019-20 and 2020-21 and additional borrowing of 33 per cent above the permitted level for fiscal year 2019-20, may be allowed for 2020-21.

Grants due to States in 2020-21 may be released in advance; and 50 per cent of the Finance Commission grants to the Urban and Rural Local bodies and revenue deficit grant can be released now, he told Modi.

On steps taken to tackle the Covid-19 in the State, Palaniswami told Modi a task force headed by the Chief Secretary, including experts and 12 teams headed by senior IAS officers have been set up to implement and monitor all the activities related to Covid-19 challenge.

A detailed micro plan for each district has been drawn to meet the healthcare needs of the elderly, ante-natal and post-natal mothers and infants, patients undergoing treatment for chronic conditions like TB, HIV, hypertension and diabetes, patients needing dialysis and is being executed by mobile health teams in the districts.

Also, 153 camps have been set up to house 11,957 migrant workers who are being provided food and medical facilities, Palaniswami said.

Meanwhile, the number of Covid-19 positive cases in Tamil Nadu crossed the 300 with 75 new cases reported today, of which 74 had attended the Tablighi Jamaat conference held in Delhi recently.

State Health Secretary Beela Rajesh said out of the total 309 Covid-19 positive cases in the State, 264 of them had attended the Delhi event.