Most of the political parties have not given top importance to election manifestos that play a significant role in strengthening the parties and improvingquality of governance. There will be healthy competition if the manifestos are prepared by all political parties with more diligence and more responsibility, said TS Krishnamurthy, Former Chief Election Commissioner.

‘Only vote bank focus’

“Unfortunately, political parties do not realise the value of the manifestos. I do not know why they are prepared at a very short notice without deep thinking. Most of the political parties seem to be more interested in the vote bank than in the need to improve the quality of governance and quality of administration,” he said at the Southern India Chamber of Commerce & Industry webinar on What Tamil Nadu Needs…SICCI’s Election Manifesto Recommendations.

There is a need to improve the manifesto from the point of view of political stability, social equality and economic growth. “I only hope that the political parties will realise the importance of the manifestos and take it seriously, and implement it seriously,” he said.

Election manifestos of political parties should only talk about public good, and not appeal to any particular section of voters. For example, it should not be about freebies like giving cycles, grinding machines and television. You can talk about building a stadium, a school or a college. How can you appeal to a certain section of the voters? It is a clear case of bribery to the voters, he said.

N Ram, Director, The Hindu Group, said there will be a gap between promise and performance, and fulfilment. However, the manifestoes provide insight and information, and one can predict what is going to happen. Looking back, one can see a thread, connecting election manifestos with the current status, he said.