India needs a change in thought process that is not driven by the socialistic belief that only public sector can deliver growth as the country is growing at a breakneck speed, said Sajjan Jindal, Chairman, JSW Group.

“On the contrary, it is the private sector that will propel India to a different level as worldwide the public sector has failed. And I am a strong proponent of Government not to do business. This is not because I am in the private sector,” he said at an event to inaugurate JSW School of Public Policy at IIM-Ahmedabad on Tuesday. JSW Group has committed a grant of ₹70 crore to the school.

“I believe ultimately accountability and profitability matter. It is the private sector and its publicly listed companies which finally deliver and will take the country to a different level. The role of the government, administrators and bureaucracy is to govern and regulate the system,” he added.

Economic growth

India has set a goalpost of $10 trillion economic growth in next seven to 10 years and the country is growing at breakneck speed which needs real modern thought process, he said.

“Around 2015, when my business and the industry were struggling there were lots of ideas. I did not know how to approach it or what is the way forward to change the mindset of our bureaucracy and administrators in our country,” he said.

When the idea for setting up a school for public policy was proposed, Jindal said he immediately grabbed it and thought that it can be an attempt to change the mindset of administrators and bureaucracy. It can bring in new ideas to change the colonial thought process in bureaucracy taught over the years and bring in new modern thought process, he added.

The government should get bureaucrats and IAS officers who are running this country for training and re-training in the public policy school every three years to know what is happening in the world. They should debate over ideas and implement them when they go back to their workplaces, said Jindal.