Laser-powered medical treatments are increasingly finding takers as patients are beginning to opt for alternatives to pain medicines.

Doctor Johar's Dental Clinic in Bangalore sees an average of 100 patients a month opting for medical laser technologies because of its non-invasive nature and no side-effects advantages. The treatments are a part of the ₹13,900-crore Indian healthcare market.

Non-invasive According to Kirpa Johar, laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive and FDA-approved pain-management option.

Johar said: “When cells become damaged, they lose the ability to produce energy required for cellular repair. Laser therapy transfers energy in the form of electrons from a light source to the microstructure of the cell, producing millions of electrons per second in a way that they can immediately be used by the cellular systems to facilitate cellular reproduction and repair.”

The latest studies suggest that the use of specific wavelength monochromatic light stimulates collagen production, accelerates DNA synthesis, and improves the function of normal and damaged tissue, Johar added.

According to Ranjan Das, a doctor at Daradia Pain Clinic of Kolkata, chronic and untreated pain can cause a slew of physical complications such as a weakened immune system, coagulation abnormalities and severe problems with the vital organs.

Laser therapy might become a blessing for people suffering chronic pain, especially in India, where authorities have systematically denied patients access to effective analgesics such as hydrocodone. Analgesics is a type of medication that relieves pain.

Many advantages Lasers have empowered medical professionals, allowing them to treat conditions previously thought to be untreatable, or difficult to treat. For many patients, the technology is a dream come true as treatment options are increased, surgeries become less invasive and recovery times tend to be shorter.

Medical lasers are nothing new, at least in developed countries where they have been steadily evolving since the 1960s. India's medical community has seen the light as well, with spas offering laser hair removal, gynaecologists performing laparoscopic surgeries and dentists offering laser whitening.