Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) has proposed an advanced research centre for Raman spectroscopy.

This would act as a bridge to link academia with researchers and elevate research quality world-class level, according to Ajit Prabhu, joint director, KSCSTE.


“Raman spectroscopy is being applied all over the world for a wide range of inter-disciplinary applications. But the Indian scientific community is yet to apply this potential at the higher level,” Prabhu said here at a workshop here on the topic.

Raman spectroscopy, a measurement technique based on the discoveries of C. V. Raman, was the subject of the day-long workshop. It was organised as a precursor to the biennial international conference on Raman spectroscopy that began in Bangalore.

Applications of the technique extend to fields such as pharmaceuticals, material science, nanotechnology, forensic science, bioscience, space science, semiconductors, geology and gemmology.


Organised in partnership with the Edu World Foundation, the workshop brought together some of the world’s leading experts on Raman spectroscopy.

They included Purdue University’s Anant K. Ramdas of Purdue University, a student of C. V. Raman; Shiv K. Sharma of Hawaii University, who specialises in space technology and planetary exploration; and Fernando Rull from the University of Valladolid in Spain who is developing the Raman Instrument for the ExoMars 2018 Mission.

E. D. Jemmis, director of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, inaugurated the event.

“The younger generation should take the lead in striding ahead to the frontiers of research in areas such as Raman spectroscopy,” he said.


A. E. Muthunayagam, a former secretary, department of ocean development, Government of India, said in his presidential address that Raman spectroscopy techniques are highly sophisticated and require huge financial outlays for infrastructure and facilities.

The key, he said, is to develop a system of collective effort and effective utilisation of common facilities.

K. K. Ramachandran, member-secretary, KSCSTE, welcomed the dignitaries and participants.

A brainstorming session was held where ideas for collaborative research were presented by research and academic institutions.
