Reyhan Camalova, a 15-year-old from Azerbaijan, made a mark at the ongoing eighth Global Entrepreneurship Summit being held in Hyderabad with her innovation in the clean energy sector.

Reyhan Camalova, CEO and Founder of Rainergy, loves maths, physics and chemistry, and plays the piano. “My dream is to light up one house at a time,” with her innovative project that harnesses the power of rainwater to generate energy.

The water tapped from rain is stored int water collectors and then transported to generate power that gets stored in batteries. The power thus generated is used to light up lights and is useful for small devices.

“I hit upon the idea to develop this as there are thousands of isolated places which do not have electricity,” she says.

No wonder, Reyhan was mentioned by Ivanka Trump, Advisor to US President Donald Trump, during the inaugural ceremony of GES, as a person who needs to be looked up to for such an innovation at such a young age.

Reyhan asks, “If one can generate energy from the wind, why can’t one do with rainwater? And that is how I developed the concept to reality.” Youngest of three children, — her father is a doctor and mother, a music teacher — she says her aim is to spread the innovation to those who require energy.

She is now scouting for investments and potential partners to popularise the concept.

Her innovation produces enough energy to power up 22 LED lamps. “I am keen to work and partner with companies looking to grow this business and popularise my innovation,” she says.