India and Africa countries can collaborate in vital areas of Research and Development in emerging and advanced technologies, according to Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST).

Speaking at the inaugural session of Global R&D Summit 2019 being jointly organised by DST and FICCI with Africa as partner continent here on Thursday, Sharma said areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, industry robotics offer scope for collaboration.

The diversity of R&D in India will be key to forging partnerships with countries across the world, he said. The DST now has active partnerships with over 45 countries for research collaboration.

In terms of purchasing power parity, R&D budget in India had tripled in last one decade and now is at $15 billion annually, the secretary said.

There was also greater need for collaboration between the R&D institutes, academic and industry, he said adding that though India is third largest in number of startups, more number of startups should be encouraged.

The two-day conference is being attended by many representatives from African nations and scientists.